The Mysterious Rise and Fall of MMAWarehouse.

Remember this company? What the heck ever happened to them? We must know, and so begins our foray into investigative journalism, because we here at the are concerned with one thing and one thing only, and that is the truth! Actually we are mainly concerned with eating a lot of snacks, and then taking a nap. But after we have eaten snacks and taken a nap, we want the truth!

So if you were training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or Mixed Martial Arts around 2010, then there’s a good chance you bought some of your training gear from a website called MMA Warehouse, aka They also owned and operated It was the largest supplier of MMA and BJJ gear on the web, and you could get anything you needed from Gis to boxing gloves, to heavy bags and mouth guards. They carried every brand available at the time, such as Bad Boy, Hayabusa, and Tatami, and It seemed like a company poised to ride the wave of popularity along with the sport, and become a fixture in the lives of grapplers everywhere, but then, almost overnight, it was gone.

Well not exactly overnight. There was a brilliant flash before the darkness, in which they rolled out their in house brand called HYPNOTIK, and they even landed a sponsorship deal with Gordon Ryan. Around this time they seemed to stop selling other brands and sold exclusively their house brand called Hypnotik. Then very shortly afterwards they vanished without a trace.

Who gives a flying omoplata, you might ask? Well I guess it isn’t really important, but the Jiu-Jitsu nerds of the world are curious, and we intend to find out. My guess is that they realized the margins were pretty slim on reselling, and experiencing increasing pressure from other online retailers such as amazon, they decided to pivot to their house brand Hypnotik. Not the worst plan I’ve ever heard, but I think maybe they bet the farm on the Gordon Ryan sponsorship and maybe ran out of time before they could stabilize, but who knows. Maybe the story is juicier than that, maybe someone had a gambling habit.

Fast forward to today and you can see that there website is live now once again. They claim to be reopening, and currently sell some T-shirts, but not much going on. The domain name is parked at GoDaddy right now, maybe we can pool our spare change and buy it just for some silly shenanigans. They claim a new store is imminent and even have a countdown timer on the website, we will see what happens.

So I guess this post is more of a question than an answer, do you the reader, the fellow Jiu-Jitsu nerd know more of the story? We would love to hear what you have to say about it, drop us a line and we will update this blog post as we gain more insight. Until then, it’s back to ebay to see how the auction on my vintage MMA Warehouse bag is going.